Fig tree

The fig tree’s buds are just bursting. It looks like little green flames at the end of candlesticks. After the ash, another tree where, in winter, when the leaves fall, one can see the graceful shape of the branches with their arms raised to the sky… The same leaves will be dry and hard in autumn. Damn it! You can’t dress me in them! But now they’re young and soft. No wonder Adam and Eve treasured them.
The evergreen trees here are quite hardy: Ficus Benjamini, Oleander, Daphne Mezereum. And especially the palms, those metal trees. If I were a Renaissance painter, they’d be the first ones I’d paint. But I like the soft leaves, Pepper tree, Maiden pine, Eucalyptus! How gracefully they move in our soft winds! Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes! Women are marvellous not only if they’re painted by Botticelli!

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read me! Und weiterhin.... Die Labyrinthe von Hibouh: Orte der Sehnsucht. Oasen für alle Umtriebigen und Nachtschönheiten. Inseln im opaken Licht der Phantasie unter einem fleischig dahinziehenden Mond. Leise Dämmerung auf den Höhen. Neugierig geworden? Wir bringen Sie hin, wo Erleben und Erkennen eins werden. Nur Mut - lüften Sie dieses Geheimnis!

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