
Here you can follow my daily writings. It is about small and big events, big and small things…..Don’t capsize! says life…. It is written in different languages. Just choose yours.IMG_1061


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http://www.blogigo.co.uk/reading   Books

http://www.blogigo.co.uk/login/blog713778/  Was ich lese

https://exilblog.wordpress.com/  Der Rote Salon

https://hibouh.wordpress.com/ Über ‘Gravity’s Rainbow von Thomas Pynchon. Raketen!

http://www.blogigo.de/hibou  Message in a bottle (deutsch)

http://www.blogigo.de/hibou_nachtexpress  Nachtexpress. Hibous Erfahrungen in Alltagsarchaeologie

http://www.blogigo.de/Hotel_Naipaula  Neues aus dem Hotel Naipaula